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Level-up your prayer life with OREMUS, the ultimate source for Latin prayers, devotions, and resources online.

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What OREMUS Offers

OREMUS is the comprehensive home for traditional Latin prayers, devotions, and resources. We offer a wide collection of Latin prayers and translations, essential Latin devotions, and a plethora of resources to help you learn faster.

Latin Prayers

Extensive collection Side-by-side translations Search and filter Save favorites

Latin Devotions

Popular devotions How to guides Helpful resources Interactive experience

Latin Resources

Pronunciation guides Curated videos PDF printouts User-friendly design

Why Pray in Latin?

What's the purpose behind praying in Latin? Isn't it like, a lot more work? Couldn't I get as much out of praying in the vernacular as I would in Latin? At this point, you're probably thinking the only reason to pray in Latin is to flex on your friends (it is the ultimate spiritual flex, for the record), but this obviously isn't the only or most important reason. Latin is an incredibly powerful, beautiful language, and there's a reason it's the official language of the Church. For hundreds of years, Catholics around the world have petitioned, adored, and thanked God through Latin prayer. Latin is by nature sacred and mystical, possessing a unique beauty and dignity among all the languages of the earth. Due to its sacred nature, Latin prayer is especially (and we mean especially) meritorious and efficacious. By praying in Latin, we petition, adore, and commune with God following the ancient traditions of the Church. The Latin language is unifying and beautiful, commanding real merit and power. Catholics everywhere should strive to deepen their faith through the beauty, tradition, and power of Latin prayer.

back of a majestic church with ornate architecture looking down the aisle toward the altar, view of a dark and empty church looking down the aisle between pews towards a beautiful altar with ornate church architecture in background

OREMUS, But Custom To You

Introducing MyOREMUS, the intuitive user dashboard designed to enhance user experience and functionality. With MyOREMUS, Latin prayers just got easier. The new user dashboard delivers remarkable usability while maintaining an effortless experience. Save your favorite prayers and add them to your dashboard to keep them organized and easy to access. No account or login is ever necessary. Simply add prayers to your dashboard and remove them whenever you'd like. Say goodbye to wasting time searching for the same prayers each time you visit OREMUS. Saving prayers to your dashboard is easy and fast. Welcome to the first ever personalized and customizable user dashboard for Latin prayers. Welcome to MyOREMUS.

phone displaying interactive Rosary webpage, phone showing interactive Rosary online app
photo of church steeples with stunning night sky as background

Our Mission

Here at OREMUS, our end goal is quite simple: help more people learn Latin prayers. We believe that it's important for people to learn the traditional prayers of the Catholic Faith. Being rooted in Sacred Tradition is a key component of the Faith, and a quality which has been nurtured since the foundation of the Church.

At OREMUS, we strive to make learning Latin prayers easier and more accessible for all Catholics by providing cutting-edge content and practical resources. We aim to provide every necessary means to make learning Latin prayers and devotions easy and effective. We hope to inspire our users and challenge them to start praying in Latin every day, incorporating traditional Latin prayers into their daily prayer life. At the end of the day, our purpose at OREMUS is to teach, nurture, and share the beautiful tradition of Latin prayers with Catholic communities around the world.

Our Different Resources

Here at OREMUS, we do our best to go above and beyond. That's why we provide so many different resources to help you master learning Latin prayers and devotions.


Proper pronunciations Easy to read charts Organized categorization


Extensive library Hear pronunciations Carefully curated


Beautifully designed PDFs Free to download Easy to save and print

What Our Users Say

Not convinced OREMUS will work for you? See what our frequent users have to say. You'll be impressed.

close up head shot of St. Augustine's face, painting of St. Augustine's face St. Catherine of Sienna

From the moment I navigated to, I was enveloped in a sense of serenity and divine presence. The website, a tapestry of sacred art and scripture, invites all to partake in the holy act of prayer. It is as if the angels themselves have crafted a portal that mirrors the celestial choirs in harmony.

I urge you, dear brethren, to visit this haven of holiness. Let your hearts be kindled with the fire of divine love as you join in the chorus of prayers ascending to the heavens. OREMUS is not merely a website; it is a pilgrimage, a journey towards the eternal embrace of our Lord.

close up head shot of St. Jerome's face, painting of St. Jerome's face St. Jerome

OREMUS is a veritable oasis in a desert of spiritual mediocrity! If you seek solace and inspiration, look no further. This website is a treasure trove of Latin prayers, devotions, and resources. Undoubtedly worthy of five stars. If you are looking for a deeper connection with your faith, I urge you to visit OREMUS. It is a website that will enrich your spiritual life in countless ways.

close up head shot of St. Thomas Aquinas's face, painting of St. Thomas Aquinas's face St. Thomas Aquinas

Question: Whether OREMUS is a beneficial instrument for spiritual advancement?

Objection: It would seem that OREMUS is not a beneficial instrument for spiritual advancement. For, as the Apostle Paul says, "the Spirit gives life" (2 Corinthians 3:6). Therefore, it is better to rely solely on the guidance of the Holy Spirit than on any external aids.

On the contrary: OREMUS is the comprehensive home for Latin prayers, devotions, and resources, proving a valuable resource for those seeking to deepen their spirituality and faith.

I respond that OREMUS provides a comprehensive and authoritative collection of Latin prayers and devotions. It offers a delightful user experience that makes it easy to find and use prayers. It helps people to learn Latin faster and grow in their faith. It provides access to beautiful and traditional devotions of the Church. In light of this, it is clear OREMUS is the best resource for Latin prayers on the internet.

Reply to objection: By providing users with a structured approach to traditional Latin prayer, OREMUS can help people to quiet their minds and hearts while creating space for the Spirit to work within them.

close up head shot of St. Augustine's face, painting of St. Augustine's face St. Augustine

OREMUS is a fount of wisdom, a beacon in the darkness of the world. Its prayers and devotions are like balm to the wounded soul, providing solace and comfort to those who seek it. In this age of rampant sin and wickedness, OREMUS is a bastion of faith and piety. It is a place where one can find solace in the knowledge that God is ever-present, even in the midst of this evil generation. If you are seeking a deeper connection with God, I urge you to visit OREMUS. It is a website that enhance your life and lead you closer to the divine embrace.

close up head shot of Martin Luther's face, painting of Martin Luther's face Martin Luther

This website is a cesspool of papist idolatry! Its Latin prayers and devotions are but a veil for the worship of the Virgin Mary and the saints. Its resources are designed to devilishly ensnare the faithful in the clutches of Rome. The design is embarrassing, and the content is far too traditional and Roman. It has an entire section devoted to Marian devotions. I urge all those who would seek true spiritual growth to flee from this website. It is a place of darkness and deception.

close up head shot of St. Augustine's face, painting of St. Augustine's face St. Catherine of Sienna

From the moment I navigated to, I was enveloped in a sense of serenity and divine presence. The website, a tapestry of sacred art and scripture, invites all to partake in the holy act of prayer. It is as if the angels themselves have crafted a portal that mirrors the celestial choirs in harmony.

I urge you, dear brethren, to visit this haven of holiness. Let your hearts be kindled with the fire of divine love as you join in the chorus of prayers ascending to the heavens. OREMUS is not merely a website; it is a pilgrimage, a journey towards the eternal embrace of our Lord.

close up head shot of St. Jerome's face, painting of St. Jerome's face St. Jerome

OREMUS is a veritable oasis in a desert of spiritual mediocrity! If you seek solace and inspiration, look no further. This website is a treasure trove of Latin prayers, devotions, and resources. Undoubtedly worthy of five stars. If you are looking for a deeper connection with your faith, I urge you to visit OREMUS. It is a website that will enrich your spiritual life in countless ways.


Here are some questions we frequently receive. Let us know if you have any other questions you'd like answered.

What does OREMUS actually do?

OREMUS provides a wide variety of Latin prayers, devotions, and resources on a breathtakingly intuitive and aesthetic platform. Think of us as the home of Latin prayers on the internet.

Is OREMUS authentically Catholic?

Yes, OREMUS is an authentically Catholic initiative. We carefully curate and painstakingly inspect all content that is produced across the website. We provide strictly Catholic prayers, devotions, and resources, and we hold strongly to the truths and traditions of the Church.

What's the significance of the flame logo?

The OREMUS flame logo is a symbolic representation of the tongues of fire which descended upon the Apostles at Pentecost. By promoting the traditions of the Church through the promulgation of Latin prayer, OREMUS strives to blaze forward and continue the mission of evangelization begun that day.

Did saints actually review OREMUS?

It's a long story.

How can I contribute?

OREMUS is a Catholic initiative run be a team of dedicated volunteers. If you are interested in contributing your time, talent, or resources towards OREMUS, please reach out and let us know!

Reach out to us

Questions, comments, or feedback? Drop us a line, we'd love to hear from you! If you have ideas or suggestions, that's cool too. Let us know what you'd like to see implemented in the future.

painting of two hands reaching out from opposite directions with fingertips nearly touching, painting of God's finger reaching out towards Adam's finger

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